
Friday, January 14, 2011

Ramen Eggs (Ni Tamago)

Hello, welcome to my blog!  After a couple of years of reading and trying recipes from healthy eating and dessert blogs, perusing Tastespotting daily - I was inspired to start my own blog.  In the last year I started working out with a trainer and eating healthier and this year he amped it up by asking me to keep a food diary.  :(  (No cheating allowed!)  Last year was also a super busy one at work and as part of my stress release I found myself baking up treats almost every Sunday to bring into work.  This year I hope to eat healthier by finding new healthy food combos I love; as well as lightening up caloric favorites.  And we do all this so we CAN eat the crazy delish desserts and treats! 

To kick it off I'll start with an easy and simple recipe, that is soo good and can kick a lot of dishes up a notch.  Yes, I'm talking Ramen Eggs!!  Otherwise known as Shoyu Tamago no Zensai or Ni Tamago.  These are the yummy seasoned eggs often found in your hot bowl of Ramen.  Recently I've added them to Bento lunches, on salads and I bet they would be great with noodles or hot rice dishes as well. 

Ni Tamago in Ramen!!
This recipe comes from "Harumi's Japanese Cooking" by Harumi Kurihara (Japan's Martha Stewart), a wonderful Christmas gift from my friend LT. 

Shoyu Tamago no Zensai

6-8 Small hard cooked eggs (See how to get the perfect yolky egg below)
1 tablespoon rice vinegar
2 tablespoon soy sauce
1 teaspoon superfine sugar

Shell the eggs.  Mix the vinegar, soy sauce, and sugar together, making sure the sugar dissolves.  Put the eggs with the marinade into a large plastic bag.  Leave to marinate for 2-3 hours, moving the eggs around in the bag to ensure even coloring.  (If you don't part of the egg will stain darker and the other side of your egg will be sad).  Note:  I actually let my eggs sit over night and they turned out fine.  In the morning I simply removed from the marinade and placed them in a container. 

How to Cook the Egg
I like my eggs to be a little yolky (that bright yellow color).  To achieve this start with room temperature eggs and fill a pot with enough water so that the water level is at least 1/2 inches above the eggs.  Bring the pot of water to a gentle boil and carefully place room temperature eggs into the water.  Quickly reduce heat to a low simmer and cover pot with lid.  For a soft boiled egg cook for 6 minutes, for a more well cook egg leave covered for 7-8 minutes.  Place cooked eggs in cold water or an ice bath to stop the cooking process.

Super yummy!  Add in your Ramen or eat alone as a snack tonight!

Mmm in my Bento! I used my heart egg shaper mold for these...

1 comment:

  1. I totally have this book! I've made the carrot and tuna salad and the beef stir fry. This looks super yummy!
