
Friday, February 11, 2011

Chai Pots de Creme

For Valentine's Day dinner, I wanted an easy desert that I could make ahead of time.  Something that we could eat right after dinner or hours later when we had time to digest.  I stumbled across this super easy recipe for Pots de Creme from the Pioneer Woman and was super excited!  1. No baking with a water bath and 2. No heavy cream involved.  I didn't want to do the typical chocolate coffee combo so I decided to spice it up and add in some Brandy and use Chai tea instead. 

It's not too late for you to make this for Valentine's day!  You probably have all the ingredients in your fridge already!!! 

Chocolate Chai Pots de Creme!

Chocolate Chai Pots de Creme

adapted from Pioneer Woman

12 ounces, weight Semi-Sweet Chocolate Chips
4 whole Eggs, Room Temp
2 teaspoons Vanilla Extract (or any yummy alcohol, I used Brandy)
1 pinch Salt
8 ounces, fluid Chai Tea
8-10 ramekins or glasses

IMPORTANT:  Make sure that you take your eggs out of the refrigerator ahead of time and let them come to room temperature before starting. 

1.  Put chocolate chips into a blender and then add in the eggs and the vanilla (or alcohol). Add a pinch of salt. Turn on the blender and watch it do it's magic. *Use pasteurized eggs if you can find them at your grocer.  If not buy the freshest eggs possible and pasteurize them yourself if you like!* 
Blend away!

2.  Very slowly pour in 8 ounces of strong, Super HOT Chai Tea through the opening of the blender lid (while blending).  It is crucial that your tea be extremely hot in order for the final product to be the right consistency and texture.  *I brewed my tea and then heated it up again in the microwave just to be sure*  Blend for a minute or so until mixture is smooth and fairly free of visible bits of chocolate.

As you add in liquid, mixture will rise and expand.

3.  Pour the mixture into ramekins, martini glasses or cute little tea cups.

4.  Place in the refrigerator for at least 3 to 4 hours so the mixture has a chance to set.  *This is an excellent make ahead dessert that you can make the night before!* 

Serve with whipped cream or a scoop of ice cream.  I dusted a heart with powdered sugar just to make a cute little design.  If this desert makes too much, just cut in half or freeze half of them for later.  :) 


  1. So I need to get some chai tea because I have to make this...It sounds incredible and it looks adorable! Thank you for sharing.

  2. Mmm, delicious! What an easy dessert! When we have friends over I often get so tired after all the prepping and such, it'd be good to have a dessert that could be made the night before.

    Thanks for the foodbuzz foodie friend request :) I look forward to your future recipes!

  3. Thanks ladies! This is definately going to become one of my new favorites. The flavor combinations are endless... I want to try with the butterscotch chips next!
