
Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Egg Muffins to go!

Cooking egg whites in the morning, is especially hard on Monday mornings when you are already running late.  While I am a fan of cooking egg whites in the microwave in a mug, sometimes you don't even have time to do that (or you dont want to leave that dirty egg cup in your car all day).  Enter Spinach Egg Muffins!  These are super easy to whip up and you can double this recipe to last you for the whole week!

This recipe became super popular during the low carb/South Beach diet craze, but I love it cause it's delish and one of those recipes that once you make it, you can alter it on the fly and never need the recipe again.  I don't even remember the original recipe that I had tried the first time.  It's an excellent fridge cleaning recipe to use up your odds and ends left over from the previous week! 

Spinach and Canadian Bacon Egg Muffins

2 whole eggs
1 cup egg whites (approximately 6 egg whites)
1/3 cup cheese
1/3 cup Canadian Bacon, diced
1/4 onion, diced
1 Tbsp olive oil
1 tsp garlic, minced
2 cups spinach
salt and pepper

1.  Preheat oven to 350 degrees.  Mix 2 whole eggs, egg whites, cheese and salt and pepper.

2.  Heat pan and sautee onion, garlic and Canadian Bacon till onions are translucent.  *You can use any combo of ingredients here.  Frozen spinach, mushrooms, tomatos, deli turkey, etc- use whatever you have in your fridge!*

3.  Slightly wilt spinach and mix in with onion mixture. 

4.  Spray muffin tins/silicon liners with cooking spray.  At this point you can either mix all ingredients together and pour in egg mixture.  Or if you are worried about even distribution of ingredients, evenly divy up your spinach, onion, Canadian Bacon mixture and pour egg mix over. 

5.  Bake for 30 minutes or until eggs are set.  *Tops should be slightly brown*

Makes 8 muffins

Serve with salsa, on sandwich between a wheat english muffin and a slice of tomato or avocado.  Great breakfast for those of us on the go!  These can last in your fridge for a week.  Simply heat up in the microwave for 30 seconds to a minute when you are ready to eat.


  1. I'm a total eggy! Nothing sticks with you longer than protein. I want to make these for a weekend brunch!

  2. I used to make these all the time when I was in the South Beach Diet craze. They are the perfect breakfast. I'll have to get back into them!

  3. Those muffins sound terrific! I can't believe that they're without flour. Nice!
    I love eggs in the morning. Especially when I need to be on the go for a few hours, I have to have my eggs.

  4. Looks so delicious!! This is a PERFECT recipe to keep for me. Sometimes I have a lot of egg whites left out and didn't know what to do! I am not a baker so I don't use it for meringue etc... Thanks for the recipe. I know what to do next time I have lots of egg whites!
