
Thursday, March 31, 2011

My First Award, Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award!

This week has been crazy and it's only halfway through...  I just came back from a FABULOUS trip to NY filled with fun, laughs, food, shopping and good times with my partner in crime, A!  I'll have to do a post of all the cool places we ate at soon... Then the day after I got back, someone broke into my apartment complex garage and broke into my car and my neighbors car too.  All they got from my car was an empty coin purse that at most had $1.50!  After dealing with the police, the broken glass, my insurance and the glass repair dude- imagine the nice surprise I got from Nami from Just One Cookbook, giving me the "Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award"!  Please check out her website for awesome quick and easy Japanese dishes.  I've already bookmarked several of her recipes, I'm sure you will too!

So with this award we are supposed to tell you 7 things you may not know about me as well as nominate 15 other bloggers we want to share the love with!  

Here are 7 things you may not know about me...
1.  I hate "loose meat"...  Ground meat, sausage, anything that is a crumble texture- it freaks me out for some unknown reason.
2.  I will watch any dance or sport themed movie, no matter how bad it might look.
3.  One of my goals is to travel all of South America.  
4.  I did not enjoy really enjoy raw fish till my last year of living in Hawaii.  (Really bad timing on my part)
5.  I love things that sparkle.  I have not met a rhinestone, stud or sequin that was too big...
6.  I'm a huge USC Trojan fan.  Go Trojans!!
7.  I love Acai Bowls, I don't know why they aren't huge in LA yet.  It's on my list to do a post on them....

Thanks to joining Foodbuzz, I've met a lot of really great bloggers and been exposed to many that I didn't know of before!  Here are a few of my new favorites that I learned of since I started blogging:
Sorry ladies if I didn't have a chance to message you and let you know! Trying to do this and start baking the 100 cookies I promised for the Bake Sale for Japan! I'm making some Green Tea Mac Nut Shortbread and Chi Chi Dango!  Thanks again Nami!! 


  1. Thank you! Thank you!! Congratulations on your award - and thanks for passing it along to me! ♥- Katrina

  2. Congratulations on your first award. There will be many more in your future. This is my first visit to your blog and I've spent some time browsing through your earlier entries. I'm so glad I did that. I really like the food and recipes you feature here and I'll definitely be back. Have a great day. Blessings...Mary

  3. You totally deserved this award and I was more than happy to pass it to you. But OMG, I didn't know you were going through all that troubles after your trip! I enjoyed reading the 7 things about you. You really don't like loose meat? Heehee.

  4. Congrats on your award :) and thank you so much for passing it onto me :)
    I love raw fish when made right, yummy!!!

  5. Congrats on the award :) and thanks for passing it onto me! You shoulda told me you were headed to NYC! I hope you were here when the weather was great unlike now!

    I also love all things that are sparkly! Those acai bowls sound awesome! I want one now!

  6. Congrats on the award. I'm so glad you stopped by my blog because I'm loving yours! :)

  7. Thanks ladies you are all so sweet! Meeting all of you and learning how supportive the food blog world is, was definately one of the nicest surprises since I started this year. =)

  8. CONGRATULATIONS!! And, THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH for passing this onto me!! I am honored... thank you!!

  9. Thanks so much for passing this on to me, Lindsey! what a special treat! <3
