
Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Nectarine Prosciutto Salad

Summer is definitely here and this post is dedicated to my friend Chelle.  Summer is her all time favorite season and growing up she would look at us and say,” What time is it?!!!!!”  And we would have to say (with huge enthusiasm), “SUMMERTIME BABY!!!”  Seriously, we did it and we loved her for making us do it. 

Now that summer is here, fresh fruit is abundant.  I had mentioned last post that I was heading to a BBQ at my friends house and I made some delish corn cakes.  Oh, did I also mention that I am from Hawaii and growing up there, we have a need to have way too much food at any gathering?  For us, the worse thing at any gathering would be if we “ran out of food”.  So of course I couldn’t just show up with just the corn cakes, for my second item I wanted to make a sweet and savory salad that would be refreshing but also quench that savory craving at the same time.  You know how it goes… salty/sweet cravings all day long. 


I love how easy this salad is and how it all came together so nicely.  You may look at this salad and think it might seem a little “girly” but my friends husband also liked it!  I think he said something like,” Hey this pasta salad thing is pretty good!!  Oh wait there is no pasta in it…”  LOL!!  Boys… gotta love them.     

Nectarine Prosciutto Salad

4 Nectarines, bite size pieces
1 4 oz. pkg prosciutto
1 basket cherry tomatoes, halved
4 oz. fresh mozzarella balls (or pieces)
3 Tbsp. Pesto sauce
Sea Salt
Olive Oil
Basil, cut into ribbons

1.  In a large bowl combine nectarine, cherry tomatoes and mozzarella balls.  Tear prosciutto into large pieces and mix into bowl.

2.  Season the salad with sea salt, pepper and drizzle the mixture with some olive oil.  Dollop the pesto sauce over the mixture and mix well.  Garnish with the basil ribbons and serve!


Please make this salad, you won’t be sorry!  It is best served the day that you make it, however I did eat some the day after over a bed of spinach.  It was a little juicier, so I didn’t even need dressing! 

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